Note: The rules below are not SLCA rules. They come from Thurston County and the Sheriff's office. We summarize them here for everyones benefit.
Speed Limit
See the link for more details....
Speed Limit
- Before 11 am - 5 mph
- After 8 pm or sunset, whichever is earlier - 5 mph
- Otherwise - 45 mph
- Exception - from Opening Day of Fishing until 11 am on the Memorial Day weekend Saturday - 5 mph for 24 hours a day
- Direction of travel for any boat above 5 mph is counter-clockwise
- All boats traveling over 5 mph must stay 200 feet away (and outside of orange buoys) from any shore or dock
- All boats traveling over 5 mph must stay 100 feet away from any other boat, paddler, or swimmer
See the link for more details....